Paving contractors tips on oil and mulch stains from the asphalt surfaces

During the summer time, there can be possibility of mulch and oil stains on the asphalt driveway. When using colored mulch, the chances of stains are higher. Once the stain is noticed, it may result in causing an improper appeal. Stain from other sources can also happen. So, it is necessary to take proper care of the driveway. To make it look fresh and clean, make sure you follow these tips on stain removal:

Removal of mulch stains

If there happens to be colored stain, the cleaning process seems a lot simpler compared to the oil strains. If you want to remove the stain at the earliest, make sure to follow these procedures:

First of all, you need to water rinse the surface. However, never go for power wash since it may result in driving the stain deeper within the pavement.

Next, you can apply vinegar or soap to the surface and then scrub the same using a brush in circular motions.

Now, rinse the soapy water and then leave the surface for drying. If the stain still remains, you can mix two caps of bleach into two gallons of water. Make sure the water is warm. Next, use this solution on the stain and follow a circular motion movement. Next, cover the surface for nearly 30 minutes before rinsing off.

Avoiding mulch stains

This is again an important part of the process. Paving contractors in Torrance suggest a check on the weather forecast as well. If rain is forecasted, please be patient and hold off the work till the dry weather arrives. Do remember, the dye used on the mulch will start to bleed on the pavement in case of rain.

Removal of oil stains

There are different ways to do so. If excess oil is there on the surface, the best option available is bloating up the oil. You can simply sprinkle kitty litter over the stain. This will allow the excess oil to get soaked within the kitty litter. Once the entire excess oil is soaked up, you can simply throw away the litter. You can use TSP or Tri-Sodium Phosphate to remove the oil stain. Simply mix water and TSP and create a paste of much thickness. Now, scrub this paste on the stain using a perfectly long brush. Leave it to dry for 30 minutes. Then after 30 minutes, you need to rinse it off using normal water.

Once you use commercial degreaser, it must be done as per the guidelines. Follow the instructions on the label. Also, never mix the degreaser in any solvent. It will worsen things. Simple water and degreaser will do the job.